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NLT Particpation Images at Baltimore Sustainability Event
NLT StaffJun 27, 2024 5:23:19 PM3 min read

NLT's PARTICIPATION at Baltimore Sustainability Open House

Animated exhibition

In the heart of Baltimore, amidst a collaborative atmosphere charged with the determination to combat climate change and prepare for disasters, NLT carved its niche at the 2024 Sustainability Open House. Hosted by the Baltimore Office of Sustainability, this pivotal event not only showcased the city’s ambitious plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 but also provided a platform for local communities, government bodies, and organizations like ours to converge on shared goals. Here’s a glimpse into how NLT's participation is catalyzing change and fostering a sustainable future for Baltimore.


Unveiling NLT's Role in Baltimore's Climate Action Plan

NLT's involvement in the Baltimore Sustainability Open House was not just about participation; it was about making a tangible impact. With the city laying down its Climate Action and Disaster Preparedness Plans, we seized the opportunity to align our enterprise solutions with Baltimore’s sustainability goals. Our focus? To enable efficient, tailored solutions that address the unique climate-related challenges faced by our clients, including government agencies, non-profits, and NGOs. We shared insights into cutting-edge technologies and strategies that can streamline efforts towards making Baltimore a carbon-neutral city, thus playing a crucial role in the broader climate action narrative.


Building Bridges: NLT's Collaboration with Baltimore Communities

At the heart of our participation was the goal to bridge gaps – between technology and sustainability, between enterprise solutions and community needs. Engaging directly with residents from Baltimore neighborhoods, we listened, learned, and shared. It was a golden opportunity to understand the on-the-ground realities and how our technologies can make a difference. We discussed with various stakeholders, including social, business, and academic institutions, exploring avenues for collaboration. These interactions underscored the importance of a unified approach to enable a "Greener Baltimore," reinforcing our commitment to work alongside these communities closely.


Empowering Sustainable Solutions: NLT's Innovative Approaches

Innovation stands at the core of NLT’s mission to empower sustainable solutions. During the event, we demonstrated how our advanced technologies and services are helping to tackle climate change head-on. From data analytics to predictive modeling, we showcased a suite of tools designed to enhance disaster preparedness and facilitate the transition towards a sustainable future. Our aim was to illustrate the potential of tailored, innovative solutions in empowering stakeholders to meet their sustainability goals efficiently and effectively.


Envisioning a Carbon-Neutral Baltimore: The Road Ahead

The journey to a carbon-neutral Baltimore is ambitious, yet within reach. The 2024 Sustainability Open House was a stepping stone, an affirmation of the collective will to protect and nurture our environment. As NLT moves forward, our focus remains steadfast on supporting Baltimore’s sustainability objectives through our enterprise solutions. We are excited about the road ahead, ready to face challenges and embrace opportunities that come our way in making Baltimore a model city for climate action and disaster preparedness.

The Baltimore Sustainability Open House was more than an event; it was a manifestation of hope, collaboration, and the unwavering spirit of a community committed to a sustainable future. NLT is proud to be part of this journey, working hand-in-hand with Baltimore and its people towards achieving the dream of a carbon-neutral city by 2045. Together, we are paving the way for a brighter, greener tomorrow.


About NLT

New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) is a leading provider of integrated information technology, technical, scientific, consulting, and research services based in Washington, DC. NLT provides a broad range of integrated cloud, agile software development, cybersecurity, data science, geospatial, and workforce services and ready-to-use solutions for customers and offers distinctive capabilities in developing secure cloud-native AI/ML data analytics and decision support tools. The firm also provides unique expertise in developing, implementing, and managing enterprise solutions that enable the collection, integration, modeling and analysis, privacy protection, quality control, visualization, and public release of large-scale datasets and web-based data dissemination platforms.  Contact us for more information and set up a conversation with our team members while you are at a conference, or get on our chatbot, and we’ll be on standby to get you connected with our team. Visit