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Ghermay Araya Sep 22, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Staying Safe Online: Essential Cybersecurity Measures for Large Organizations

Introduction In this day and age of rapid digital advancement, cybersecurity is neither a luxury nor an afterthought; rather, it is an absolute requirement. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, the stakes have never been higher, especially for large organizations that are often ...
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Ghermay Araya Sep 9, 2023 12:00:00 PM

National Preparedness Month: Ensuring Safety for Everyone and Every Business

Introduction The beginning of September marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month, a period that encourages people on a personal level as well as businesses to increase their level of preparedness for unforeseen challenges. With today's unpredictability, being prepared has become critical. ...
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Ghermay Araya Sep 8, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Top 5 Cutting-Edge Cloud Architectures Revolutionizing Enterprise Solutions

Introduction The cloud is now an integral part of how businesses function today. As enterprises continue to evolve, the need for efficient, scalable, and secure cloud architectures has never been greater. At New Light Technologies (NLT), we understand the transformative effect of cloud computing on ...
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