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Glen Adams Apr 12, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Introduction to Kubernetes (K8s #1)

What is Kubernetes? We’ve all heard about "The Cloud" before, and many of us have some idea about what that means and how we can benefit from it. "The Cloud" can be great if it fits your needs and your use-case, but many people will quickly tell you that it is always the best answer. I have seen ...
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Tim Kuhn Feb 7, 2020 9:36:13 AM

Upcoming Webinar: Automating Cloud Security with Open Policy Agent

Date: Wednesday, February 12th at 1PM ET Checking infrastructure as code, such as Terraform, for security and compliance before infrastructure deployment is becoming a critical part of the DevSecOps toolkit. Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source policy as code framework commonly used validating ...
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