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Tim Kuhn

Blog Post by Tim Kuhn

Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 8:56:00 AM

White House Proposes Executive Branch Reorganization

The White House today announced an interesting proposal to reorganize a number of federal agencies to better meet the economic and business needs of the nation and improve efficiency. The proposal would merge a number of commerce and trade agencies including the Office of the U.S. Trade ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:45:00 AM

We’ve Got Jobs!

NLT’s Got Jobs!
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:45:00 AM

Voyager GIS Data Discovery

Voyager is a powerful search tool that allows an organization or individual to manage, audit and search for all GIS files across an organization. Voyager allows a user to search for files by a spatial query through a map interface or by a text search. In addition to these search methods, data can ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:41:00 AM

Upcoming Webinar: QWI & Shift-Share Analysis – Tapping a Powerful Resource

The U.S. Census Bureau and the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership in collaboration with the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) welcomes Mr. Grundvig as he shares the potential advantages and caveats when using shift-share analysis with the QWIs. When coupled together there ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:41:00 AM

Ten years of successful working relationship with DC GIS Program

New Light Technologies, Inc.’s (NLT) first prime-contract client was the DC GIS Program in the spring of 2002. Ever since then NLT has had a successful engagement with DC GIS on a variety of GIS related contracts. CEO Ghermay Araya says,
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:41:00 AM

Reduced Opportunity Voters

This study analyzes findings from extant research on voter identification legislation, population growth, and the influence of geography on political participation. Research was conducted to determine the impact of photo ID voting requirements on voter turnout among African Americans in a number of ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:40:00 AM

NLT Team Helps U.S. Census Bureau Release OnTheMap for Emergency Management Version

OnTheMap for Emergency Management Version 3 was released June 15 2012.The public data tool provides an easy-to-use web-based interface for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, in real time, for areas being affected by natural disasters. The tool allows users to easily retrieve ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:40:00 AM

NLT Team provides Enterprise Class Geospatial Technology Software to DC Government GIS Program

New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) partners with Arc2Earth to provide enterprise class Geospatial Technology to the Washington, DC GIS Program. The team developed server side KMZ updated KML network link data feeds to provide District users with a more complete and enjoyable user experience through ...
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:40:00 AM

NLT Will be Participating in Upcoming FOSE Conference

New Light Technologies (NLT) will be highlighting its many exciting recent projects at this year’s FOSE Conference, to be held in the District May 13-15.
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Tim Kuhn Oct 26, 2022 7:39:00 AM

NLT Put the Giving in Thanksgiving this year at SOME’s 11th Annual Trot for Hunger

Did you know 1 out of 5 D.C. residents live at or below the poverty line?
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