NLT was awarded a 5-year contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) to develop and integrate advanced web-based mapping and geospatial technologies to support the center’s training courses. The CDP prepares state and local emergency response personnel to respond to all hazards, including terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction, by providing advanced, hands-on training.
The firm will develop and host an interoperable cloud-based platform to deliver online mapping and visualization tools that enable highly interactive multi-user exercise and simulation capabilities for CDP instructors and students for the first time. NLT’s robust managed service offering (MSO) and unique expertise delivering web-based decision-support systems for all-hazards preparedness and response missions will enable the center to accelerate modernization and enhance training capacity to prepare the nation for the most challenging threats.
About New Light Technologies
New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) provides comprehensive information technology solutions for clients in government, commercial, and non-profit sectors. In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, successfully developing and deploying digital geospatial software technologies and integrating disparate data across large complex enterprises with diverse user requirements is a challenge. Our innovative award-winning solutions for real-time integrated analytics lead the way in developing highly scalable geospatial solutions for the future.
NLT is a leading provider of integrated cloud, cybersecurity, software development, data analytics, geospatial, and scientific consulting services. NLT offers distinctive capabilities in the delivery of cloud-native platforms that enable the collection, integration, modeling, privacy protection, quality assurance, and public release of federal data products and web-based decision support tools and is a recognized leader in integrating these capabilities in support of FEMA and homeland security missions. NLT’s array of technology partners including Microsoft, AWS, Dell, Redhat, Esri, Fugue, Planet, and others enable the firm to incorporate best-in-class technologies, data, and methodologies into its solutions for customers.