New Light Technologies Inc. (NLT) an industry leading cloud, cybersecurity, data science, and enterprise systems engineering consultancy serving FEMA Response, Recovery, and IT programs for over 15 years, began providing secure cloud hosting and development services for modernization of the OneResponder application in June 2020. OneResponder provides the whole community a unified platform for personnel and resource management as part of the implementation of the National Qualification System (NQS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
To deliver the highest quality integrated hosting, enhancement, and support services, NLT joined forces with 4 Arrows Consulting Inc., one of the leading developers of disaster preparedness software applications including the Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS), Resource Typing Library Tool (RTLT), and Preparedness Toolkit (PrepToolkit) for FEMA.
The NLT and 4 Arrows team is applying their highly integrated DevSecOps approach to development and Continuous Integration (CI) coupled with state-of-the-art tools for automated cloud configuration and security compliance to provide responsive customer support to FEMA. This will ensure OneResponder is fully operational as it transitions from a beta site and available to the whole community for preparedness planning and long term adoption.