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Tim KuhnSep 25, 2019 12:23:36 PM

Project: Ptolemy Welcomes Two New Interns to the Team

Project: Ptolemy is excited to welcome Clara Blume and Katherine Newcomb on board as its two newest interns. Clara will be focusing on running Project: Ptolemy’s social media lead campaigns and learning the ins and outs of marketing a small business. Katherine will be diving into development, shadowing and working alongside Project: Ptolemy’s technical team in performing things like  webscraping data and creating vulnerability indices. 

Clara Blume comes to the project as an international student from Germany. She is a student at the University of Münster with a concentration in business administration with a focus on marketing. She is studying here for a Washington Semester Program offered through American University — an experience abroad that offers classes and an integrated internship. She will graduate with her bachelor’s degree in December, before she heads home to start her career in Germany. Her main goal here at Ptolemy is to run the Project: Ptolemy lead campaign and increase enrollment in of testers for the software.

Katherine Newcomb recently graduated from high school this past year in 2019. She is in the Gap program at American University, where she is testing out professional fields before choosing her college field of study. She has a couple of Python lessons under her belt and will be honing her coding skills working with the Project: Ptolemy development team. She’ll officially be starting her freshman year at Boston University in January.  She hasn’t made any official decisions on her major yet, but she projects that she’ll be entering BU as a business administration major with a focus on business strategy and innovation. 

Project: Ptolemy was connected to Clara and Katherine through the American University School of Professional and Extended Studies (SPExS). The project has taken in several rounds of students before, impressed more and more each time by the students they are introduced to.

 “We are proud to host another round of SPExS interns. We’ve had great success with the program from the administrative staff to the interns themselves,” said Brad Bottoms, Project Manager for Project:Ptolemy, “They provide high caliber candidates year in and year out.

“We are really excited to see the outcome of this year’s group.”


Tim Kuhn

Tim Kuhn is a GIS Specialist and Sales and Marketing Lead at New Light Technologies.