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Tim KuhnApr 17, 2019 12:29:21 PM

New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) Expands its Research Team and Capacity

NLT provides a full range of services to support cutting edge scientific research in geospatial & data science.

new light technologies expands research team

The New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) continuously works to assure a successful implementation of basic and applied research, including full-lifecycle research design, identification of the required datasets (including open-source data), data pre-processing and preparation for analysis, and assessments evaluation of optimal technologies and methodologies that best fit the research objectives For over a decade, NLT team members have been providing large-scale research and development, production, and management support for various organizations, including government customers, academic institutions,  private companies and international organizations.

Over the last 10 years, NLT team members have been providing research and development support services to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies and the Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics Program (LEHD) which delivers the nation’s premier source for detailed statistics about the local workforce and develops national economic data products concerning the U.S. labor market, including the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES), Job to Job Flows (J2J), and other restricted-use microdata which is available to researchers through the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (RDC).

NLT’s team of Economists, Geographers, Statisticians, and Computer Scientists have long been providing integral support and guidance for ongoing research, development and production of these data. This support includes the design of robust statistical and data-matching methodologies needed to generate data statistics, along with review and implementation of methods such as imputation, noise infusion, synthetic data modeling and development of quality tests for identifying data issues and validating enhancements. These data products form a crucial part of today`s federal statistical infrastructure, and currently support a plethora of federal, state, and local decision making as well as an array of research initiatives conducted by NLT Affiliated researchers from leading US Academic Institutions in computer science, economics and Business Administration. These data and research were featured in the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisors and Economic Report Economic Report of the President.

NLT Science Staff and  Affiliated scientists participate in a wide-range of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing research projects. NLT’s broad information technology expertise and partnerships, including with open-source software providers, allow us to incorporate these technologies and methodologies into innovative scientific research initiatives that enable high-quality geospatial analysis, data management and visualization. For example, an ongoing research project in collaboration with several major universities evaluates best approaches for defining urban markets based on economic activity detected by satellite imagery. Preliminary results of this research have been published in The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Additionally, NLT has been providing research support to the World Bank Group, which is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge  for developing countries. NLT`s scientists are working with several divisions at the World Bank, supporting and guiding the implementation of geospatial solutions and state-of-the-art technology for the Bank`s routine research and development. Some  projects include: (1) the application of machine learning and remote sensing analysis of satellite imagery to measuring land cover and land use changes, (2) development of methodologies and workflows to exploit satellite imagery to detect unregistered parcels and informal structures, (3) geocoding the locations of firms and establishments in the developing world, and (4) using nighttime light data to measure the effects of new transportation corridors on local and regional economic development.

“NLT is committed not only to be an integral part of today`s scientific community, but also to train the next generation of data scientists and prepare them for a competitive job market” said NLT Chief Scientist, Ran Goldblatt. For example, NLT has partnered with the School of Global Policy and Strategy at UC San Diego and currently working with other Universities across the United States to offer a unique summer internship opportunity for students who want to gain hands-on experience in research related to remote sensing, big data, climate, and economic development. In the summer of 2017, two recent graduate students utilized innovative analytical tools to evaluate how hurricanes disrupt local economic activity as well as how storm-related damage affects regional growth trajectory.

NLT has also partnered with General Assembly, where students in the data science and visualization immersive program were challenged to develop innovative and data-driven solutions for disaster support and relief during major disastrous events. This project has expanded in 2018 and 2019 to include 10 of General Assembly`s campuses across the US.  During a recent joint webinar, selected student teams presented their innovative work to leaders in Government and Private Sectors with a goal to expand upon existing ] research methods and techniques in order to enhance Emergency Preparedness and Response using LEAN start-up model approaches.

About New Light Technologies Inc.

New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) provides comprehensive information technology solutions for clients in government, commercial, and non-profit sectors. NLT specializes in DevOps enterprise-scale systems integration, development, management, and staffing and offers a unique range of capabilities from Infrastructure Modernization and Cloud Computing to Big Data Analytics, Geospatial Information Systems, and the Development of Software and Web-based Visualization Platforms.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, successfully developing and deploying digital geospatial software technologies and integrating disparate data across large complex enterprises with diverse user requirements is a challenge. Our innovative solutions for real-time integrated analytics lead the way in developing highly scalable virtualized geospatial microservices solutions.Visit our website to find out more and contact us at