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Tim KuhnOct 31, 2012 1:41:31 PM< 1 min read

Hurricane Sandy – Distribution of Workers in Atlantic City Area

Where are concentrations of workers impacted by Hurricane Sandy?

What types of businesses and industries are affected?

How much do these workers earn in income?

To answer these and other similar questions about the impact of Sandy on the workforce in the Atlantic City area of New Jersey, we developed this handy interactive web-based mapping application. Simply zoom to an area of interest and click on a point to examine a report containing detailed characteristics about the workforce including a chart. Analysis of the the Distribution of Jobs in Atlantic City Area based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s OnTheMap Application by the Longitudinal-Employer Household Dynamics Program.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. OnTheMap Application. Longitudinal-Employer Household Dynamics Program. Analysis Type: Area Profile Selection area as: Work Year(s): 2010 Job Type: Primary Jobs Labor Market Segment: All Workers Selection Area: Longport borough, NJ; Margate City city, NJ; Ventnor City city, NJ; Brigantine city, NJ; Atlantic City city, NJ from Places (Cities, CDPs, etc.) Selected Census Blocks: 2,108 Analysis Generation Date: 10/31/2012 13:59 – OnTheMap 6.1.1 Code Revision: 6fa57eb0dfae+ LODES Data Version: 20120531


Tim Kuhn

Tim Kuhn is a GIS Specialist and Sales and Marketing Lead at New Light Technologies.