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Tim KuhnOct 26, 2022 7:38:00 AM< 1 min read

NLT part of DC Government 2003 Best of the Web Contracting Team

In 2003, New Light Technologies, Inc. (NLT) was a part of the DC Government’s E-Government contracting team that was selected for the National 2003 Best of the Web in its Best of Breed Report for the year. The Centers for Digital Government and Education would like to congratulate all of the Best of the Web winners for creating first-rate Web sites and showing the endless possibilities that digital government applications have to offer.

During post Y2K Era, The DC Government was going through a lot of important technological transformations lead by a innovative administration and technical management team. NLT played an important role as a trusted and first source for highly skilled and competent staff in a variety of technological areas including Content Management and Web Application Development. The new features were added to the previous iteration of the site and launched last May at an upgrade cost of $250,000 working with local suppliers, including NLT and other suppliers as well as in-house staff. A detailed explanation and layout of this important selection can be found on the Center For Digital Government’s website.


Tim Kuhn

Tim Kuhn is a GIS Specialist and Sales and Marketing Lead at New Light Technologies.


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