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Wellcome Trust awards GPS a 5-year award, working together with NLT & UNICEF

Written by Erin Chute | Nov 15, 2022 9:50:48 PM

GPS, NLT, and UNICEF To Collaborate On a Dynamic Infections Disease Platform

NLT is thrilled to announce that the Wellcome Trust has awarded the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS) a 5-year award to develop and deploy, together with New Light Technologies and UNICEF, a Dynamic Infectious Disease Risk Platform. The Platform aims to provide decision-makers a data-driven predictive tool for early warning of a likely imminent spike in Dengue fever across tropical Latin America, as well as implications for public health resources. 

Lead researchers for the project include
Gordon McCord, Ran Goldblatt, Gabriel Carrasco, Do-Hyung Kim, Hanoch Barlevi and Swathi Manchikanti.

The platform, which will be publicly available and accessible, will rely on an ensemble machine learning model developed by
UNICEF and the European Space Agency - ESA and will offer a geospatial display, tabular data and summary statistics of predicted and historical Dengue fever cases generated first for Latin America and then potentially expanded across other regions and other vector-borne diseases.


About New Light Technologies

New Light Technologies Inc. (NLT) is a leading provider of integrated science, technology, and mission services based in Washington DC. Offering renowned expertise in cloud, agile software development, cybersecurity, data science, geospatial and remote sensing, NLT provides comprehensive consulting, research, digital transformation services, and fit-for-purpose analytics solutions for a range of industries from emergency management to economics to health. The firm has pioneered real-time geospatial AI/ML predictive analytics platforms for government and industry and led the development of novel methods for leveraging satellite imagery to support disaster response, climate resiliency, impact evaluation, and sustainable development missions worldwide. To learn more visit us at